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Showing posts from September, 2016


hello! baru ada masa untuk blog for this year punya trip and its MELBOURNE! YAS! so here the intinerary 1st May 2016 -Depart from KLIA2 @ 10:00pm 2nd May 2016  Arrived around 9am dekat Melbourne. Sampai je kena tunggu lama sebab nak imigresen sana nak checking. Nasib baik ada Wi-Fi super lajuuu dekat airport. So after checking tu terus collect pamphlet for maps & info2 pasal Melbourne.   - Beli Myki Card  First thing first lepas checking imigresen terus beli mykicard dekat Tullamarine airport. $14 - Shuttle bas  Pergi dekat skybus punya counter. Beli return tic $34 per person. So nanti nak balik ke Malaysia balik tak payah beli ticket bas lagi hehe. - Elizabeth Hostel lepastu pergi ke hostel untuk check in and buat payment. Harga untuk 6 malam dalam $139 untuk 8 beds female dormitory. Book guna So sampai sana baru buat payment. -State Library  Lepas check in, kitrg pon pergi berjalan. 1st tempat kami ke State...